Mātauranga O Te Tihipuke
Education Hillcrest

Kia ora, welcome to Te Mātauranga o Tihipuke (Education Hillcrest). This site is a collaboration between each kura of Hillcrest Kāhui Ako, our local iwi, local businesses, and our community.

This rauemi (resource) is a koha (gift) to the hapori (community) to help better understand the local stories and mātauranga (knowledge) connections and unity will be strengthened as ākonga (students) navigate from ECE through to High School and beyond.


E kore e taea e te whenu kotahi te raranga i te whāriki
Kia mōhio tātou ki a tātou.

Mā te mahitahi o ngā whenu, mā te mahitahi o ngā kairaranga

Ka oti tēnei whāriki te raranga.

The tapestry cannot be woven by one strand alone.

Only by the weaving together of strands, and the working together of weavers will such a tapestry be completed.


Our success is shaped by our journey through the weaving and sharing of our knowledge, and stories.

Our strength only exists when we seek to understand and honour our different knowledge, and stories.

Our success in being able to navigate the world occurs when we are able to embrace the knowledge and stories that surround us.