“Success Today, Success Tomorrow, Success Together”

Cultural Conditions

2023 - Consultation occurred with Ngāti Hau and Ngāti Wairere over the use of symbols to ensure culturally appropriate.

2023 - Consultation with Ngāti Haua and Wairere over the use of Macrons. As a result, the Kahui Ako will use macrons to align with the kaupapa of a place-based / localized curriculum.

2023 -Ngāti Haua Iwi trust has endorsed the website and agreed to participate and work in partnership to share local stories, historical information, and mātauranga Māori with the Kāhui Ako - Education Hillcrest.

Intellectual Property Rights - are produced by the relevant parties or their employees or contractors. It is important that whilst a free license to engage with the content contained on the website, it is important to abide by the Creative Commons License if used outside of the kaupapa it was originally intended for.

The community of learning has agreed to use the stories and mātauranga as agreed. Any use outside of this kaupapa must be acknowledged by Ngāti Haua, Ngāti Wairere, and Community of Learning - Education Hillcrest before use as per the Creative Commons license.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Confidentiality - Not to use or disclose information to any person or organization other than:

a) if the information has already been made public through the use of the Creative Commons License.

Any adjustments must obtain written agreement over the form and content before any public statement and or release.